When clocks are being processed, the application determines the work summaries to associate with the incoming clocks. It is important to note that the date of the work summary can differ from the date the clock punch was made. This is to ensure that a clock is placed with the shift or schedule to which it belongs. For example, shifts that cross midnight should show all clocks that are associated with that shift on the same day that the shift is applied. Thus, when the employee punches out after midnight, the clock should show on the work summary for the previous day.
The types of clocks in Workforce Management are ON, OFF, JOB, DOCKET, TIMECODE, DEPARTMENT, PROJECT, TSDOCK (TIME SHEET DOCKET), UNKNOWN, DIRECTIONLESS, and CUSTOM. The clock types most commonly used during processing are ON, OFF, and DIRECTIONLESS. Each clock type is associated with a numerical value that is used throughout the application to identify clock types.