Punching in other changes

Use change punches to record changes such as a job or department switch. For example, if you work as a cashier and as a customer service representative, a job change punch records when you switch from one job to the other.

Use the labor metric change punch to change one of these metrics depending on the configuration of the clock: Department, Docket, Job, Project, Time Code.

  1. Enter your badge number, or press Swipe Emp ID (F4) and enter your employee ID.
    Note: If identification mode for biometric validation is enabled, then only a fingerprint is required for authentication. For more information, contact your system administrator.
  2. Provide PIN or biometric authentication, if prompted.
  3. Press the function key corresponding to the change required.
    For example, it could be one of Job (F7), Docket, Time Code, Dept. (F3), or Project.
  4. From the list of labor metrics, select a value by using the Prev (F5) and Next (F6) buttons to move the selection to the previous record or the next record.
    You can also use the Prev (F1) and Next (F2) buttons to move to the previous page or the next page.
    Note: The clock might also be configured to how a keypad that you can use to enter the correct labor metric.
  5. Select the list number of the labor metric and press enter to confirm the selection.
    If the change punch is successful, a confirmation message is displayed. Otherwise an error message is displayed. The error message that is displayed depends on the validation rules defined in the clock configuration.