Simple custom prompts
You can use custom prompts to gather additional information to meet your business requirements. For example, you can create a simple custom prompt that requires the user to enter a tip amount during a clock-out. You can also configure the input mode that will be used to enter the information (keypad or card reader).
After capturing the information, you can use the view swipe feature of the clock to view the information that the employee or supervisor has entered.
This code in the clock.xml file is used for custom prompts that are already configured by default such as badge number, badge number in supervisor mode, and labor metrics such as Job, Time Code, Docket, Project, and Department. The XML allows additional configuration for the input device, security, and the type of input. You can modify these values to meet your business needs.
<prompt id="PROMPT_BADGE" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="PROMPT_SUPERVISOR_MODE_BADGE" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="PROMPT_PIN" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="false"/>
<prompt id="JOB" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="TIMECODE" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="DOCKET" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="PROJECT" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
<prompt id="DEPARTMENT" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true"/>
This commented out code in the clock.xml file is for custom prompts that are not configured by default. These examples demonstrate a single prompt during a Clock Out by using the 'text' and 'number' type configuration. In these examples, the employee is asked to enter the total tip amount they received during the shift or some other information.
You can enable these prompts by uncommenting the custom prompt you want to use. For more information on how to do this, see Configuring a simple custom prompt. The XML allows for additional configuration for clock-in or clock-out, type of input, supervisor mode or regular employee, and the type of input device.
<prompt id="TEXT_PROMPT" code="TXT" type="text" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true">
<trigger punch="OUT" />
<cancel allowed="true" acceptSwipe="false" data="I" message="TEXT_PROMPT_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"
swipeRejectedReason="TEXT_PROMPT_CANCELLED" />
<timeout seconds="15" acceptSwipe="false" data="T" swipeRejectedReason="TEXT_PROMPT_TIMEDOUT" />
<prompt id="TIP_PROMPT" code="TIP" type="number" decimalPlaces="2" enableKeyPad="true"
<trigger punch="OUT" />
<cancel allowed="true" acceptSwipe="false" data="I" message="TIP_PROMPT_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"
swipeRejectedReason="TIP_PROMPT_CANCELLED" />
<timeout seconds="15" acceptSwipe="false" data="T" swipeRejectedReason="TIP_PROMPT_TIMEDOUT" />
<prompt id="BAG_PROMPT" code="BAG" type="number" enableKeyPad="true" enableCardReader="true">
<trigger punch="OUT" />
<cancel allowed="true" acceptSwipe="false" data="I" message="BAG_PROMPT_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"
swipeRejectedReason="BAG_PROMPT_CANCELLED" />
<timeout seconds="15" acceptSwipe="false" data="T" swipeRejectedReason="BAG_PROMPT_TIMEDOUT" />