Enabling Wi-Fi support

Before beginning this process, you must configure the clock for Wi-Fi support. For more information, see Modifying the clock system configuration.

  1. Use PuTTY and SSH to access the clocks in your deployment.
  2. Create a file named update.sh and insert this content:
    cp ./clock-setup.json /media/Storage/clock-setup/input
    if [ -f /media/Storage/clock-setup/results/UPDATE.PASS  ]; then
        echo "Configuration file accepted "
        exit 1;
    echo "Configuration file rejected"
    exit 0 # failed condition
  3. Create a file named clock-setup.json (ensure the EOL Conversion is set to UNIX (LF)) and insert this content. Replace the values in angled brackets with the details of your Wi-Fi configuration.
    "Note":"Change any fields with <text> to the correct values to enable 
    WiFi using a static IP address",
    "ATS_WS_Protocol_Comment": "Required. Integer value. 0 is None, 1 is 
    WEP, 2 is WPA, 3 is WPA2",
    "ATS_WS_Protocol": 3,
    "ATS_WS_SSID_Comment": "Required. String. The SSID to use.",
    "ATS_WS_SSID": "<SSID>",
    "ATS_WS_Key_Comment": "Required. String. The WiFi encryption key to use.",
    "ATS_WS_Key": "<key>",
    "ATS_WirelessEnable_Comment": "Required. Boolean. If true, will enable WiFi",
    "ATS_WirelessEnable": true,
    "ATS_WirelessIPv4_Comment": "Required to enable IPv4 WiFi. Boolean. This 
    specifically enables the IPv4 WiFi.",
    "ATS_WirelessIPv4": true,
    "ATS_WirelessIPv4DHCP_Comment": "Required to enable/disable DHCP. Boolean. 
    This sets the WiFi for IPv4 to use DHCP. This will override static 
    WiFI connection.",
    "ATS_WirelessIPv4DHCP": true
  4. To update the configuration of one or more clocks with this configuration change, you can use the file update process that is outlined in Configuration updates for the clock. Place the update.sh and clock-setup.json files that you created in previous steps in the script directory as part of the normal file update process.