Biometric error messages

This table outlines the available biometric error messages and their definitions. These definitions correspond to the localization parameters in the file.

Fingerprint message configuration Definition Default message
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_BAD_READ The fingerprint sensor failed to identify a finger, or the image was distorted or unreadable. Bad Read
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_BADGE_UNKNOWN The badge number entered does not correspond to any badge in the reader. Badge unknown
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_CANCELLED The operation has been cancelled. Cancelled
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_CANCELLING The operation is in the process of being cancelled. Cancelling...
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_DUPLICATE The finger you are trying to enroll already exists in the fingerprint reader under a different badge. Duplicate fingerprint
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_EMPLOYEE_NOT_BIOMETRIC The employee is not enabled for biometric validation. Employee not biometric
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_FINGERPRINT_NOT_DETECTED The fingerprint is not detected on the sensor. Fingerprint not detected
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_INVALID_FORMAT The badge number, finger number or template format is incorrect. The template was not enrolled and not saved to a file. Invalid format
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_LIMIT There are too many templates in the fingerprint reader to begin enrollment. Fingerprint limit reached
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_MEMORY_ERROR The fingerprint sensor has failed. The fingerprint reader should be closed and opened to reset the reader by rebooting the clock. Memory Error
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_NO_MATCH The badge number was found, but the finger provided for validation did not match the template in the fingerprint sensor. Fingerprint does not match
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_OK Fingerprint is read correctly. Fingerprint OK
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED The operation is not supported on the current screen. Operation not supported
PROMPT_FPSTATUS_STORAGE_ERROR Fingerprint template failed to save to file. Storage error