PIN validation
PIN authentication is enabled by default in the application. Use the Employee Badge form to assign a PIN to each employee.
Note: We recommend that you only enable
one type of authentication in your configuration. If you enable both PIN and biometric
authentication for an employee, the clock will only use biometric authentication.
Depending on your system configuration, you can use either the Readers form or a reader configuration in WFM to enable and disable PIN validation.
- In the Readers form, select the Disable PIN Validation check box to disable PIN
validation, or clear the check box to enable PIN validation.
See Adding clock readers.
- If you are using reader configurations, use the property in the reader configuration to enable or disable PIN validation.
Additional properties for PIN validation
These reader configuration properties can be used to configure PIN validation:
- ui.timeout.pin_entry
- PIN entry timeout in seconds.
These properties in settings.conf can be used to configure PIN validation:
- com.infor.wfm.clock.server.validation.PINValidation.skipwhensupervisor
- If true, then PIN validation is not enforced when you swipe to badge an employee in supervisor mode.