Updating the reader name for your clock

In the WFM application, if you want to change the name of an existing clock reader or add a new reader to be used by your clock, you will have to complete these steps to update your clock configuration.

Before starting this procedure, you must ensure there are no pending transactional records (punches, time approval records) to be sent to WFM.
  1. In WFM, navigate to Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Organization > Readers and make one of these changes:
    • Change the name of the reader for your clock by selecting Edit for the reader you want to change and then click Save.
    • Add a new reader name for your clock.

    For more information on how to make these changes in the WFM application, see Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

  2. Connect to the clock you want to update with the Admin Console.
  3. On the Settings tab of the Admin Console, right-click the wbsynch.webservice.serverName property and select Modify Value.
  4. Enter the new value for the reader name and click OK.
  5. Next, purge the clock database.
    See Using the Admin Console to purge the clock database.

    After the clock database purge is complete, your clock will begin to use the new reader name.