Swipe sharing and network latency
Latency issues caused by network speeds, frequency of scheduled processes, or device performance can result in these issues:
- Swipes may not be available in the WFM application for other clocks to reference, which may affect the ability of an employee to view swipes performed on another clock.
- Validations such as break length validation may be compromised since the clock is not able to verify against a previous swipe performed on another clock.
- When viewing swipes generated on other clocks, the clock being used to view the information may experience delays in displaying the swipes from other clocks (stored in the WFM application) versus displaying swipes stored in the local clock's database.
The design of this feature will prevent the Same Minute Validation from working across clocks because under normal circumstances it is not possible for a swipe to be available in the WFM application within the same minute.