Additional configuration for time approval
Depending on your system configuration, you can use either a reader configuration in WFM or the settings.conf file on the server to configure additional properties for time approval.
Reader configurations
If you are using reader configurations, use these configuration properties to ensure that time approval functions correctly on the clock
See Using reader configurations.
- feature.approval
- Set the value to Y to enable time approval.
- feature.approval.swipe.types
- Use this property to associate a swipe with the time approval feature. The time approval is presented to an employee when the specific swipe type is used. By default, the clock is configured to associate the time approval feature with a clock-in, swipe type 01. If employees are expected to access the time approval feature via the clock menu or function key only, then this parameter should be disabled by blanking out the swipe type values.
- work.timeapproval_synchronizer.interval.seconds
- This property is required and defines how often in seconds the time approval synchronizer process executes. The default value is 120 seconds.
- work.timeapproval_synchronizer.pagesize.send
- This property is required and defines how many records are synchronized with the application per transaction. The default value is set to 0, which means the clock will synchronize all available records with WFM on each attempt.
- work.db_purge.retention.days.approval
- This property is optional and defines how long approval records that have not been approved or rejected are retained on the clock. The value is specified in days with a default of 100. Records that are older than the specified value are purged.
If you are not using reader configurations, use these properties in settings.conf to configure time approval:
- approval.swipe.types
- Use this property to associate a swipe with the time approval feature. The time approval is presented to an employee when the specific swipe type is used. By default, the clock is configured to associate the time approval feature with a clock-in, swipe type 01. If employees are expected to access the time approval feature via the clock menu or function key only, then this parameter should be disabled by blanking out the swipe type values.
- TimeApprovalSynchronizer.intervalSecs
- This property is required and defines how often in seconds the time approval synchronizer process executes. The default value is 120 seconds.
- approval.records.retention.days
- This property is optional and defines how long approval records that have not been approved or rejected are retained on the clock. The value is specified in days with a default of 100. Records that are older than the specified value are purged.
- approval.records.send.limit
- This parameter is optional and defines how long approval records that have not been approved or rejected are retained on the clock. The parameter is specified in days with a default value of 100. Records that are older than the specified value are purged.