Configuring WiFi

This section outlines the configuration steps for WiFi on your clock. You can choose to have your clock configured for WiFi during the provisioning process or post-provisioning during deployment in your environment. Here are some additional details for both methods of configuration:

  • During provisioning: You can provide Infor with the SSID and password in a provisioning sheet and Synel will configure the clock accordingly so that it is plug-n-play once deployed in your environment. For more information you can contact your account manager or sales representative to begin this process.
  • Post-provisioning: Configure the clock in the field with the file update process. The clock must first be connected to a physical network and once the WiFi configuration is complete the clock can be unplugged from the physical network to test the WiFi connectivity. For more information on how to do this, refer to the configuration steps in this section.
  1. Ensure the WiFi adapter is plugged into the clock.
  2. Create a file named with these contents and make sure the file is encoded in UTF-8 format when saved:
    cp wifi.conf /etc/wifi.conf
    /etc/init.d/synergy2416/S35wifi restart
    exit 1;

    If you are using the 8100 or 8200 clock, you will need to use this configuration:

    cp wifi.conf /etc/wifi.conf
    /etc/init.d/synergyX/S09wifi restart
    exit 1;
  3. Create a file named wifi.conf with these contents (replace the {SSID} and {PASSWORD} with your values. Make sure the file is encoded in UTF-8 format when saved:
    SSID = {SSID}
  4. Save both files to a folder in the script folder of your update folder on the WFM server such as (update.x-x-x-x.dir/update.x/script/).
    If you are going to apply updates to more than one clock, see Configuration updates for the clock for more information.
    Note: The update will occur based on the file update interval setup for your clock(s).
  5. Disconnect from the physical network to test WiFi connectivity by selecting Menu > Network Infor [F2] > Wi-Fi to see if the clock has a valid IP address.
    If the connection is valid, the clock will connect to the configured WFM instance.