Swipe sharing across clocks

You can configure the clock to share employee swipes between multiple clocks that belong to the same reader group. Employees assigned to the reader group can use more than one clock to perform swipes without compromising swipe validation. Each clock has access to the swipes performed on other clocks in the same reader group. In addition, employees can have a consolidated view of the swipes performed on all the clocks.

For example, an employee may swipe in at a main entrance to enter a distribution center but swipe out for lunch at a clock near the entrance to the cafeteria.

This feature applies to both the 8000 and 9000 Series clocks. If you are using more than one type of clock, this feature will be enabled and useable on both types of clocks.

Depending on your system configuration, you can use either the Readers form or a reader configuration in WFM to configure the swipe method.

See Configuring the clock.

  • In the Readers form, select the Enable Swipe Sharing check box.

    See Adding clock readers.

    Note: In the Reader Groups form, you can select the Enable Swipes Across Readers check box to enable swipe sharing across multiple clocks. All readers that belong to the reader group will have swipe sharing enabled.

    See Adding reader groups.

  • If you are using reader configurations, use the feature.swipe_sharing property in the reader configuration.

    See Using reader configurations.