Modifying the clock system configuration

System Configuration allows you to enable DHCP on the clock or set a static IP address for the clock. This option is secured so that only authorized users can make changes.

  1. Press the MENU key on the keypad.
  2. Press F3 (Admin) on the keypad to log in as an Administrative user.
  3. Specify 8000 in the User field and press ENT on the keypad.
    The Password field is displayed.
  4. Provide the calculated password using thi formula:
    Password = current year + current day number in the current year

    For example, if the current year is 2013, and October 1 is the 274th day of the year, then the password is 2013 + 274 = 2287.

  5. Press the ENT key on the keypad to log in.
    These options are displayed: