Applying clock configuration updates

Configuration updates can include custom configurations or files. Custom configurations can be provided through these files in the conf directory:

  • log.xml

    This file is used to setup customized logging for the 8000 clock by configuring the SLF4J with logback settings.

  • settings.conf

    This file contains the functional configuration of the clock. For example, you can configure swipe validations, schedule validation and custom messages using this file. In addition, this file also contains the necessary configuration for communication to the application.


    This file allows you to localize the clock’s user interface (UI). The file contains text for menus, prompts and labels that can be customized to meet your business requirements.

  • clock.xml

    This file allows you to associate specific functions to the function keys of the clock. For example, setting the F1 key to Meal On.

These files in the resources directory can be replaced with custom files to meet business requirements. For example, the logo.png file can be replaced with a custom file to display your company’s logo in the clock’s display window. Likewise, the wav files can be replaced to provide customized audio sounds. The custom content must use the same file names as indicated.

  • logo.png

    An image file containing the default Infor logo.

  • beep.wav

    The sound played when the clock is started.

  • keyAccepted.wav

    The sound played when a valid key is pressed.

  • keyRejected.wav

    The sound played when an invalid key is pressed.

  • TranAccepted.wav

    The sound played when a swipe is accepted.

  • TranRejected.wav

    The sound played when a swipe is rejected.

The conf and resources directories are placed in the update.# directory, where # designates an update level. Subsequent updates are applied by creating additional update.# directories where the # is increased to reflect the update level being applied (for example, update.1, and update.2). The directory with the largest update level takes precedence when the update process runs.

Note:  You must place the update.ready file in the main update directory such as update.2022-09-00-0.dir and other update directories such as update.1, update.2, and update.x. If there is no ready file, your clocks do not see the folder and do not start processing the upgrade. You must place an update.ready file in each update.# directory that you create.