Viewing an employee profile

You can view information about an employee by selecting them in the Employee list. You can filter the list to view All Employees, Primary Employees or Support Employees.

The Employee Profile screen displays identification information, position, team, current shift hours. If configured, the screen might contain contact information.

You can scroll down to see Competencies and Skills. This shows special training and experience an employee has that can help with making assignments.

Nurses who are licensed but have not yet completed their training are displayed on the Primary Employees list and have a special designation in their title, for example, "RN / ORI" (for RN in Orientation) or "RN / TRN (for RN in Training). Nurses who are not in training display in the list with "RN / WRK."

The Employee profile is also where the Sitter designation is added or removed.

When patients have been assigned to an employee, they are displayed on this screen.

You can use the filtering and scrolling features, which are available from icons on the Employee list.

Click the filter icon, three lines forming a down-pointing arrow, to filter employees by:
  • Employee Name
  • Position
  • Activity
  • Skills
  • Unit
Click the sort icon, a down-pointing arrows surrounded by lines, to sort employees by:
  • Employee Name: A to Z, or Z to A.
  • Position: A to Z, or Z to A.
  • Shift Start Time: Earliest to Latest, or Latest to Earliest.