Adding a sitter to a patient
A sitter, also called an observer, is a support employee who
provides continual bedside care to a patient who cannot be unattended.
Note: Typically a sitter is assigned to only one
- Select .
- Verify that the correct Assignment Parameters have been selected. If they have not, select the data from the appropriate search boxes above the header. You can scroll, filter or perform a search to locate the data.
- On the Employees list, click Support Employees or All Employees and select the employee who should be a sitter.
- Click the employee name to show the Employee Profile, then scroll to locate the Sitter/Observer slider control. If it is not enabled, enable it. A Sitter icon displays for the employee.
- With the employee selected, move to the Assignment Panel, expand the assignment with the patient who requires a sitter and click the + symbol next to Add Support Employee.