Viewing patient profiles
The Patients + Beds list shows patients currently on the unit. After a patient has been moved to an assignment, they no longer display on the patient list.
Detailed information about recently transferred or discharged patients is available by selecting the TF+DC list. Information for patients discharged or transferred during the current day part is shown. Clicking on the patient name in the patient list or assignment panel shows the patient profile.
The Patient Profile displays identification information, birth date, gender, admission and transfer dates.
The intervention details page displays the interventions that have been scored on the patient. You can click the
link to see the interventions and workload time scored to provide the interventions and other information.Scroll down to see Patient Alerts and Assignment History.
Patient alerts provide special information about a patient, for example, safety precautions. They are attached to a patient through scored interventions and can be deleted from a patient from the profile.
Assignment History shows the primary employee who cared for the patient during the previous day parts on the current unit. Employees making assignments can choose to assign the patient to the same primary employee.
If the
link is available from Assignment History, clicking on it brings up a list of all primary employees to whom the patient was assigned starting from the time they were admitted or transferred into the unit.You can use the filtering and sorting features, which are available from icons on the Patient list.
- Patient Name
- Unit Hall
- Room and Bed
- Patient Alert
- Room and Bed: Low to High, or High to Low.
- Patient Name: A to Z, or Z to A.
- Workload Value: Low to High, or High to Low.