Creating unit budgets from existing budgets
You can copy unit budgets from one effective date period to another. You can also copy unit budgets from one unit to another.
- Select Clinical Science > Setup > Units > Budgets > Create from Existing.
- Specify this information:
- Source Unit
- Specify the unit with the budget that you are copying.
- Source Budget
- Specify the budget that you are copying.
- Target Unit
- Specify the unit that the new budget is being created for. You can select the source unit to create a budget for a different date range. You can also select a different unit from the source unit to create the budget for that unit.
- Budget Name
- Provide a name for the budget.
- Description
- Optionally, provide a description of the budget.
- Start Date
- Specify the start date for the effective date range of the budget.
- End Date
Specify the end date for the effective date range of the budget. Specify the system maximum date of 01/01/3000 for the budget to be used on a permanent basis.
Note: The effective date range must not overlap the effective date range for another budget that is associated with the same unit.
Click Save.
The new budget is created from the existing budget. Any values for jobs or patient care type categories that overlap from the existing budgets are copied to the new budget. Values are populated as 0 for jobs or patient care type categories that do not overlap from the existing budget.
- Edit the budget information as required and click Save.