Auto Assignment data elements for Clinical Science

The Clinical Science auto-assignment feature balances workload and optimizes complex patient assignments through an algorithm that analyzes these factors:
  • Patient care workload: Uses the patient care workload score from their eHR.
  • Patient bed proximity: Assigns patients whose beds are nearest each other to reduce staff fatigue.
  • Continuity of care: Assigns patients to staff who have cared for them previously.

When making auto assignments, Clinical Science assigns the highest weight to the patient workload. Weight of other factors depends on factors that are configured at your site.

When you configure Clinical Science for auto assignment, you can determine how much weight is assigned to bed proximity and continuity of care. You can assign 0-100 total percentage to these options.

For example, suppose bed proximity is important to your unit and continuity of care is less important.
  • If continuity of care is not important at all, you could assign it "0%" and assign 100% to bed proximity.
  • If continuity of care should be considered but is less important than bed proximity, you could assign 25% to continuity of care and 75% to bed proximity.

Combined percentages for both factors must total 100%. If they do not, an error message results.

In addition, you can configure how many days continuity of care should be considered. For example, if you want Clinical Science to consider continuity of care only for up to the past three days, you would configure "3" in the Proximity Days field.

The Auto Assignment page includes a Bed Proximity Map, a diagram that visualizes the distance of beds from each other. The map uses color-coding to show Efficient, Acceptable and Unacceptable distances.

Bed Proximity Map

In the example, Room A (horizontal column) is Unacceptably far from Rooms 1-4 but is Efficiently close to Rooms 6-7. In this case, depending on configuration, Clinical Science would not assign the same nurse to Room A and Rooms 1-4 but would make assignments to Rooms 6-7.

You can change the bed proximity score for a bed by selecting the preferred proximity score from the drop-down and selecting the bed in the Bed Proximity Map.