Unit setup
A unit is an area in a medical facility or hospital that is staffed to provide a particular type of care. Units are defined as a grouping of beds within a hospital that provide a specific category of patient care services to specific types of patients. Units contain the resources used to manage treatment and the workload targets. For example, the Oncology unit could be set up in the system to represent the beds and staff resources used to provide inpatient oncology treatments.
Units in Clinical Science are associated with a team, with the team members being the staff resources for the unit. A budget define staff resources. The number of available beds and unit budget define available non-staff resources. The workload target for a unit is a ratio that is defined during Clinical Science implementation as the maximum acceptable number of patients to nurses that should be covered during each day part plus utilization.
Unit information is date effective. When a unit is created, the selected information becomes effective from the current date until the system maximum date. Edits to unit information are performed through overrides. Overrides can be created as permanent from a designated start date, or temporarily for a defined date range.