eHR Interface Error Messages

The table lists error messages that can occur with eHR transmissions.

In general when one of these messages is received, it means that data that was sent was not received or cannot be processed.

Error Message Applicable Trigger Events Interface Processor

The required field/s {required field} are not provided in the message.



The unit provided does not exist or does not map to an existing Clinical Science unit.

A01, A04, A05, A08, A28

A06, A07


A09, A10





Admit/Update Patient Information

Change Patient Type

Transfer Patient

Temporary Transfer

Swap Beds

Cancel Transfer

Sign Out

Sign In

The patient does not exist.

A06, A07








A18, A34, A36, A40 - on old patient ID

A35, A41

A44 - on old and new patient ID



Change Patient Type

Cancel Patient Type

Discharge Patient

Cancel Discharge

Transfer Patient

Temporary Transfer

Swap Beds

Cancel Transfer

Merge Patients and Encounters

Merge Encounters

Move Account Information

Sign Out

Sign In

The patient encounter does not exist.

A06, A07




A02 - on source/departing unit

A09, A10



A35, A41 - on old encounter number


Change Patient Type

Cancel Patient Admit

Discharge Patient

Cancel Discharge

Transfer Patient

Temporary Transfer

Swap Beds

Cancel Transfer

Merge Encounters

Move Account Information

The bed cannot exist without room and room cannot exist without bed.

A01, A04, A05, A08, A28

A06, A07



A09, A10


Admit/Update Patient Information

Change Patient Type

Cancel Discharge

Transfer Patient

Temporary Transfer

Swap Beds

The gender value provided does not map to an existing gender. A01, A04, A05, A08, A28 Admit/Update Patient Information
The patient type value provided does not map to an existing type.

A01, A04, A05, A08, A28

A06, A07


A09, A10


Admit/Update Patient Information

Change Patient Type

Transfer Patient

Temporary Transfer

Swap Beds

The admit date is not provided. A01 Admit/Update Patient Information
The message EventDate is earlier than the patient AdmitDate. The patient admit cannot be cancelled. A11 Cancel Patient Admit
The message DischargeDate is earlier or equal to the patient AdmitDate. The patient cannot be discharged. A03 Discharge Patient
The message EventDate is earlier than the patient DischargeDate. The patient discharge cannot be cancelled. A13 Cancel Discharge

The service provided exists but mapping is missing.

A01, A04, A05, A08, A28

A06, A07

Admit/Update Patient Information

Change Patient Type

No suitable patient encounter state found. All All
The message EventDate is earlier than the patient AdmitDate. The patient transfer cannot be performed. A02 Transfer Patient
The message EventDate is later than the patient DischargeDate. The patient transfer cannot be performed. A02 Transfer Patient
The Clinical Science unit on EventDate for the patient does not correspond to the message DepartingUnit. The patient transfer cannot be performed. A02 Transfer Patient
The message EventDate is earlier than or equal to the patient Transfer In Date. The patient transfer cannot be cancelled. A12 Cancel Transfer
The Swap Beds activity cannot be processed while the patient is in a temporary unit. A17 Swap Beds
The PriorEncounterNumber and EncounterNumber have the same value. A35, A41 Merge Encounters
The MergeHospitalPatientID and HospitalPatientID have the same value. A18, A34, A36, A40 Merge Patients and Encounters
The message InterventionValueType contains an invalid value (only 'min' or empty allowed). R01 Score Workload
The message SecondaryIntervention contains an invalid value (positive integer value of workload minutes expected as InterventionValueType is 'min'). R01 Score Workload
An intervention mapping was not found. R01 Score Workload
Multiple conflicting intervention mappings found. R01 Score Workload
Unknown intervention type (only Count, Minutes, Select Only allowed). R01 Score Workload
Unit intervention could not be found for the given date. R01 Score Workload
The message SecondaryIntervention contains workload minutes but the intervention is not MINUTE type. R01 Score Workload