Creating unit budgets

Budgets can be created for a unit to quantify its available resources on a permanent basis or for a specified date range.

  1. Select Clinical Science > Setup > Units > Budgets > Unit Budgets.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Budget Name
    Provide a name for the budget.
    Optionally, provide a description of the budget.
    Specify the unit that you are creating the new budget for.
    Start Date
    Specify the start date for the effective date range of the budget.
    End Date

    Specify the end date for the effective date range of the budget. Specify the system maximum date of 01/01/3000 for the budget to be used on a permanent basis.

    Note: The effective date range must not overlap the effective date range for another budget that is associated with the same unit.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Budget Patient Categories section, specify the annual number of patient days for each patient care type category in the Patient Days column.
  6. In the Budget Jobs section, specify the number of annual hours for each unit producing job in the Annual Hours column.
  7. In the Budget Job Day Parts section, for each unit producing job, specify the percentage of the total annual hours attributed to each day part in the Percentage of Annual Hours column. For each job, the combined percentage across all day parts must equal 100%.
  8. Click Save.
The budget is saved for the unit. The Budgeted HPPD field is populated by combining the annual hours for all jobs and dividing by the combined patient days for all patient care types.