Auto Assignment setup

This procedure describes how to configure the data elements that are used for auto-assigning patients in Clinical Science.

  1. Log in as an administrative user.
  2. From the Admin Portal, navigate to WFM > Clinical Science > Setup > Assignment Config.
  3. On the Auto Assignment Setup - Details page, select the Unit.
  4. Make selections for these fields:
    • Bed Proximity: This field determines the weight that the auto assignment process should give to distance between beds. Specify a whole number from 0-100. The percentage assigned for this field plus the Continuity of Care percentage must equal 100%.
    • Continuity of Care: This field determines the weight that the auto assignment process should give to assigning staff who have taken care of the patient in the past. Specify a whole number from 0-100. The percentage assigned for this field plus the Bed Proximity percentage must equal 100%.
    • Continuity Days: Specify the number of days in the past that continuity of care should be considered.
    • Processing Timeout: Specify the maximum time, in seconds, the Auto-Assignment process is allowed to run before it times out. This timeout determines how long the system attempts to find an optimized solution. You can set the timeout to a maximum of 600 seconds or 10 minutes, which is typically recommended for more complex schedules that require higher staffing levels.
  5. When you are done configuring, click Save.