
Roles show the individuals who are working on the unit with an added task or who are performing jobs that do not involve patient care.

For example, a charge nurse who is supervising a unit and not performing patient care, could display as a role. Employees who are on-call for the unit during a day part can be listed on the Roles tab for ease of contacting them if necessary.

For the current release of Clinical Science, Infor delivers these roles:

You can assign these roles to patient assignment screens. You can also update roles and add new roles.

A role is made up of these fields:
  • Role Name: Any role created by a customer must have a unique name. Roles that are delivered by Clinical Science should not be changed. Delivered roles are linked to jobs that are defined in Scheduling.
  • Role Description: A brief description of the role.
  • Active: If this field is checked, it means the role is active and available for patient assignments.
  • Sort Order: Sort Order determines the location of a role on the Role List. A Sort Order of 1 means that the role is listed first.