Reinstating and resetting sick balances

Some paid sick laws require employers to reinstate employees' paid sick balances if they are rehired within a certain time after termination, such as 12 months.

In such cases, customers should not delete an employee's sick balance upon termination. Instead, they should leave the balance as-is and configure the system to check, upon rehire, the duration of time that has passed since the employee's last termination. If the duration is greater than the reinstatement threshold, the system can delete the balance and start the accrual process anew.

This can be achieved by configuring the Balance Transfer Rule with the Compare Rehire and Term Dates Condition, as shown in this example.


Compare Rehire and Term Dates Condition:

In this example, the condition evaluates to true on the rehire date of employees if they were rehired 12 months or more after their last termination. Otherwise, the condition evaluates to false.

Parameter Value
Period Month
Units 12
Operator >=
RehireDate Hire Date

Balance Transfer Rule:

If the preceding condition evaluates to true, this rule discards the employee's paid sick balance.

Parameter Value
Balance Transfer From PAID-SICK
Balance Transfer Ratio
Balance Transfer Message Sick not restored due to inactivity
Balance Transfer/ Deduct Deduct Balance (selected)
Ignore Current Day Accruals? (selected)