Availability Management Functionality
Supervisors can perform the following tasks in the Availability Management module:
- Define default availability patterns for employees. The default availability pattern exists for the employee’s lifetime in the system.
- Create temporary availability patterns for employees. The temporary availability pattern exists for a specified date range. For example, an employee may have different availability patterns for the summer months.
- Modify default and temporary availability patterns.
- Create availability overrides for employees. For special cases, you may need to override availability for a particular employee.
Only managers or supervisors can create availability overrides. Employees cannot create their own availability overrides.
- Delete temporary availability patterns. (You cannot delete a default pattern.)
- View availability information for employees using the Employee Availability Calendar.
- Approve or reject vacation requests or availability pattern change requests.
Employees can perform the following tasks in the Availability Management module:
- View their availability information using the Employee Availability Calendar.
- Edit their default availability patterns, which requires the approval of their supervisor.
- Edit their temporary availability patterns, which requires the approval of their supervisor.
System administrators can configure the registry settings that control various aspects of the appearance and behavior of the Availability Management module.