Auto Assignment Scheduler Task

The Auto Assignment Scheduler Task facilitates the communication between the WFM application and the FICO XPress optimization servers. To use Auto-Assignment, an Auto Assignment Scheduler Task must be scheduled in the job scheduler.

See the steps in Creating the Auto Assignment Scheduler Task.

Note: The Auto-Assignment features in MVS and LFSO, which depend on the FICO Xpress optimization engine, are disabled in IGS.

Auto Assignment Scheduler Task process

When a user creates a schedule, an Auto-Assignment process is added to the Auto-Assignment queue. If there are processes in the queue, when the Auto-Assignment task runs, it selects the process at the top of the queue and sends it to one of the optimization servers. After the optimization server completes the optimization of the schedule and receives a result, the result is returned to the Auto-Assignment task which finishes by applying the schedule results to the WFM application server.

Each execution of an Auto-Assignment task completes the schedule creation process for one Auto-Assignment process. The next time the Auto-Assignment task runs, it selects the next Auto-Assignment process in the queue. The queue is managed on a first-in first-out order. Multiple tasks can be created to facilitate the generation of multiple schedules simultaneously, assuming there are sufficient optimization server licenses available to create the schedules.

Schedule generation notifications

The Auto-Assignment task sends a Workmail notification to the user that created the schedule after the schedule generation is complete. The message indicates the status of the schedule generation or any errors encountered.

For LFSO, the message also includes the store locations that were included in the Auto-Assignment process and a link to open the schedule in the LFSO Schedule screen. The message also includes the time that the system spent to complete each step in the process.