Past and future schedules
The optimizer examines existing schedules before and after the period being scheduled. This enables each possible schedule solution to be evaluated for compliance with the rules in the context of the existing schedule. For example, a rule specifies that employees can be scheduled to a maximum of five consecutive work days. An employee is scheduled on all five days before the schedule period. To avoid breaking the rule, the employee must not be scheduled on the first day of the schedule period.
Rules that can look back consider a specific number of days before the start date of the schedule period. Similarly, rules that look forward consider a specific number of days after the end date of the schedule period. Different types of rules look forward or back different lengths of time. The options specified when configuring a rule can also affect the length of time that the rule looks forward or back.
Time period based rules
Time period based rules determine how many times a schedule feature, such as shifts or
hours, is allowed within a specified time period. The Maximum Hours Per Time
rule is an example of this type of rule.
Time period based rules can look back at employees' previous schedules. This is controlled by configuring the Time Period option for the rule. If the time period specified is longer than the schedule period, the rule looks back for the difference between the schedule period and the specified time period. For example, if the time period is 10 days and the schedule period is 7 days, the rule looks back at the 3 days before the schedule period. The rule does not look back at previous schedules when the specified time period is the same as or shorter than the schedule period.
Consecutive days rules
Consecutive day rules determine how many consecutive days can be scheduled
with the same schedule feature, such as shifts or days off. Consecutive days rules always
look backwards and forwards 14 days from the period being scheduled. The Maximum
Consecutive Days
rule is an example of this type of rule.
Shift type rules
Shift type rules dictate when a shift with a specific shift type must, or
must not, be scheduled after a shift of another shift type. To ensure compliance when
scheduling the first and last days of the schedule period, shift type rules look at one day
before and one day after the schedule period. The Shift Type Y Must
Follow Shift Type X
rule is an example of this type of rule.
Block rules
Block rules determine how many times a shift of a certain type can be
scheduled in a block of consecutive shifts. The Maximum Type X Occurrences In
rule is an example of this type of rule.