Setting up violations

After you have set up events, you can set up violations. Employees trigger a violation when they accrue the threshold points that are associated with the violation.

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Attendance Management > Violation Setup.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Violation Name
    Specify the name of the violation.
    Optionally, specify a short description of the violation.
    Period Type
    Select the time period to which the violation applies (such as, calendar year or last 30 days).
    Pay Groups
    Optionally, select the pay groups to which the violation applies.
    Calc Groups
    Optionally, select the calculation groups to which the violation applies.
    Event Names
    Select the events that constitute a violation.
    Threshold Points
    Specify the number of points an employee must accumulate to trigger the violation.
    Specify a number to represent the priority of the violation. Violations with priority of 1 are considered first by the system.
    Optionally, select this check box to ignore the Action when the violation is authorized by a supervisor.
    Optionally, select this check box to exempt previously triggered events when calculating the violation. Only events that are associated with other “exclude” violations are excluded.

    For example, an employee is late three times and triggers a verbal violation. If the employee is late again, it is considered their first late, not their fourth. In effect, the employee's current point total is reset.

    Optionally, select the teams to which the violation applies.
    Include Sub Teams
    Optionally, select this check box to include the sub teams of the teams to which the violation applies.
    Optionally, select the employees to which the violation applies.
    Action Script
    Optionally, specify the extension script of type am-violation-action. You cannot specify a value here and in the Action field.

    For more information on creating extension scripts in WFM, see Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.

    Condition Script
    Optionally, specify the extension script of type am-violation-condition. You cannot specify a value here and in the Condition field.

    For more information on creating extension scripts in WFM, see Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.

    Note: Because of the way the application processes events and violations, these lookups should not be configured with the optional ALL button. If left blank, the lookup defaults to all values, so the button is unnecessary.
  4. Click Save.