Reprocessing employees in bulk

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Root Node > Forms.
  2. Click Open next to the AM Bulk Reprocess Form.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the employees for whom you want to reprocess records. Leave this field blank to reprocess the records belonging to all the employees that you have security privileges to modify.
    Optionally, specify one or more teams for which you want to reprocess records.
    Include Sub Teams
    If you specified one or more teams in the Team field, you can optionally select this check box to include sub teams as well.
    Pay Group
    Optionally, specify one or more pay groups for which you want to reprocess records.
    Calculation Group
    Optionally, specify one or more calculation groups for which you want to reprocess records.
    Start Date
    Specify the reprocessing start date.
    Records to Process
    Select the type of records to reprocess. You can select Events and Violations or Violations.
    Preserve Manual Entries?
    Indicates whether you want to keep overrides that were entered manually. If you select Yes, only system-generate entries will be deleted.
  4. Click Submit.