
The resulting outcome when an employee triggers an event or violation. For example, when employees are 10 minutes late, the resulting customized action could be for their supervisor to give a written warning. If this field is left blank, actions are not assigned to the event or violation.


The automatic processing of all employees’ event and violation records that the system performs on a scheduled basis. A system administrator sets the processing schedule in the Job Scheduler.

calculation groups

Groups of employees who are subject to the same business or payroll rules. This lets the same calculations be applied to a set of employees.


Special conditions that are created for, and assigned to, events and violations. This parameter can be customized to meet specific customer needs. For example, if the Late 5 minutes event is set up with the Monday to Thursday condition, the event will be ignored if it occurs on a Friday.

employee value 1-10

Customizable properties that let system administrators extend Attendance Management to meet specific client needs.

end function

A parameter that specifies when a time period ends. Customers can specify their own end function packages or they can use those provided by Infor.


A single incident, such as an employee arriving to work 10 minutes late or an employee arriving to work on time. When a specific collection of events exceeds a certain threshold (as set in the system by the system administrator), it triggers a violation.

exclude (Acviol_exclude)

This parameter is associated with a violation. If set to Yes, the system excludes any events that have already been processed in a previous violation.

For example, a system administrator sets up violation1 to trigger an action (e-mail warning) when an employee accrues three LATE events within a 30-day period. The violation is also set up so that Acviol_exclude = Yes. Therefore, when an employee is late a third time in a month, the supervisor issues the employee an e-mail warning. When the employee is late a fourth time, another violation is not triggered because the second and third events are already included in the previous violation.

ignore (Acviol_ignore)

This parameter is associated with a violation. If set to Yes, the system does not perform the action after the violation has been approved.

log points

The total points that are accrued for an event log item. The number of points that is assigned to each item depends on how the event was set up by the system administrator.

log status

The processing status of the event or violation log item. For example, the initial log status of a violation in the employee log is PENDING. This status indicates that the supervisor has not yet authorized or unauthorized the violation. A log status of PROCESSED indicates that the log item had been approved by a supervisor and accepted by the system.

null violation

pay groups

Defines segments of the employee population for whom payroll processes can be run at a given time. The number of payroll groups an organization requires is determined by the frequency of pay, payroll end dates, the specific payroll system, and the type of employee.

Pending status vs. Processed status

When an Attendance Management process runs (regardless of whether it is automatically processed or manually processed using the Attendance Management Reprocess Form), two main processes are run in this order:
  • Event log processing: Creates PENDING event logs.
  • Violation log processing: The system goes through each PENDING event log and, if required, creates a violation log. The system then updates the event log to PROCESSED.

When the violation log is created, it too will have a PENDING status. After the supervisor submits the Attendance Management Authorization Form, the status will be updated to PROCESSED.


The number of points that is assigned to each event. When an employee accrues a certain number of points (called threshold points), the system triggers a violation.

You can also set up events to calculate points using the minutes function, called VAR, where each minute is counted as a point. For example, if an employee is late 5 minutes, the employee accrues 5 points for the event.


The order that the Workforce Management system records events and violations. For example, an event with priority 1 is applied to an employee before an event with priority 2. The system administrator determines event and violation priorities when they are set up. For any given work detail record, only one event is triggered. Similarly, for any event, only one violation is triggered.

Processed status


The manual processing of Attendance Management records that have already been processed by the system. For example, a supervisor may run reprocessing if an employee’s information changes for a time period that has already been processed by the system. The supervisor can reprocess the employee’s Attendance Management records to update the system data.

start function

A parameter that specifies when the time period begins. Customers can specify their own start function packages or they can use those provided by Infor.


A violation represents a collection of events. When a violation occurs, it triggers an action.