Creating a custom workflow action

This topic outlines how to create a new custom action and specify a custom script. Before starting this procedure, you will need to develop a custom script that implements a workflow action. For more information on developing custom scripts, see the Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Toolkit > Form Studio > Workflow Action.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Name of the action.
    Indicates the action involves a person. For example, a time off approval that goes to a supervisor for approval or rejection.
    This option will chain all of the validations together before inserting the objects into the database. For example, if you have a workflow with three actions in a chain and the first two actions have Validation selected, it will perform validations on the first two actions before inserting the objects into the database after the second validation is completed. RoleAction and UserAction are two examples of existing actions that use this option. For more information on server side validation, see Workflow engine and server side validation.
    Extension Script
    Specify a custom script that implements a workflow action. A custom workflow action can be implemented by creating a class in custom scripting that extends the WorkflowActionScriptable class. If you have implemented the appropriate type of custom script, it will appear for selection. For more information on custom scripting, see Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  4. Click Save to save your custom action in the system.