Defining a geolocation for a team

Each team can have one or more geolocations defined for it. For example, truck drivers might have to clock at multiple locations, so you can added geofencing coordinates for each one.
  1. Select Maintenance > Security > Team Security > Team Coordinates.
  2. Specify a team in the Team field and click Load.
    If a team inherits a geolocation from a team higher in the hierarchy, the inherited geolocation is shown in the Inherited grid, and in the This Team grid by default. If you add a separate geolocation for a team, it will override the inherited geolocation.
  3. Click Add under the This Team grid.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify a label for this location.
    Specify the latitude of the location.
    Specify the longitude of the location.
    Specify the radius of the geofence in meters.
    This Team Only
    Select this check box to prevent this team's geolocation from being inherited by child teams. Child teams of this team can still inherit a geolocation from a team higher in the hierarchy.
  5. Click Save.
    The Final grid displays the geolocations that are active for this team. The Defined on column indicates whether the location is defined on this team or inherited from a team higher up in the hierarchy.