Import interface data and Export interface data
Import interface data
- Archive or Purge
- Purge
- Commit Type (Default)
- Commit Parameters (Default)
- Default Aging Days
- 365 days
- Tables affected
- Description/Notes
Removes all import interface data. This process involves removing:
- All data from WBINT_TRANSACTION table for the IMPORT Transaction type AND WBITRAN_STATUS is ‘SUCCESS’ and wbitran_create_date is older than the number of days defined in WBITYP_DEL_OLDER_THAN column of table WBINT_TYPE for this Interface type.
- All data from WBINT_IMPORT table for the interface transactions identified in #1.
Export interface data
- Archive or Purge
- Purge
- Commit Type (Default)
- Commit Parameters (Default)
- Tables affected
- Description/Notes
Removes all export interface data. This process involves removing:
- All data from WBINT_TRANSACTION table for the EXPORT Transaction type AND WBITRAN_STATUS is ‘SUCCESS’ and wbitran_create_date is older than the number of days defined in WBITYP_DEL_OLDER_THAN column of table WBINT_TYPE for this Interface type.
- All data from WBINT_EXPORT table for the interface transactions identified in #1.