Step 6 (optional): Performing a rollback or rerun of a migration

You can rollback or rerun a migration if you are within the time period specified in the ROLLBACK_MAXIMUM_AGE_IN_DAYS registry parameter. If you choose to rollback the migration, you must rollback the entire migration. You cannot rollback individual records/rows.

For more information on default rollback time period for this registry, see Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.

To rollback or rerun a migration within the specified time period:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Data Migration > Migration Import > Migration Import Transactions.
  2. Click Edit for the migration you are interested in rolling back or rerunning.
  3. At the top of page in the Status drop-down you have these options:
    Rollback the migration if you are within the allowed time range that is specified in the ROLLBACK_MAXIMUM_AGE_IN_DAYS registry parameter.
    Reprocess/rerun the migration if you are within the allowed time range that is specified in the ROLLBACK_MAXIMUM_AGE_IN_DAYS registry parameter.
  4. Click Save to proceed with your specified action.
    Note: You will receive an error message if you are not within the allowed time range for the rollback or the rerun of the migration.