Connecting to the external mail server

Note: For IGS customers, contact the Infor Cloud Ops team to connect to the appropriate mail server.
  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Job Scheduler.
    The Task Schedules page is displayed.
  2. Click Parameters for the Mail Forwarder Task.
  3. Specify this information:
    Mail host*
    Specify the name or IP address of the mail host that will receive the Workmail from the WFM application. This field is required. See Troubleshooting connection errors.
    Mail port
    Specify the port number of the mail host that will receive Workmail email from the WFM application.
    Note: The MFWD_MAIL_PORT property will be created to allow configuration of the port number. This feature means that 587 is not the only available port number option. Thus, if the port is empty, number 587 will be used. If a port is specified in MFWD_MAIL_PORT, that port will be used.
    User name and Password
    If messages coming from WFM require authentication with a user name and password against a mail relay server, then use the User name and Password fields. If a user name is provided, then a password is expected, and vice versa.
    Enable encryption
    Determines if encryption should be used:
    • If the check box is cleared, the default SMTP port is used with no encryption.
    • If the check box is selected, these properties are used to enable encryption:
      • mail.smtp.tls.enable=true
      • mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true
      • mail.smtp.starttls.required=true
    Web host
    Specify the root web address of the instance. This address is used to construct links to messages and business objects. When using back slashes in the URL, include escape characters with the back slashes. This address must include the port if you are not using the default setting.
    Specify the domain for the email Interface. This domain can be or an IP address.
    Mail as HTML
    Determines whether the forwarded message is HTML or plain text:
    • Select the check box to forward messages in HTML.
    • Clear the check box to forward the message in plain text. This setting is the default.
    Display link to WB
    Determines whether a message or link is added to the Workmail message to indicate that the message originated from Infor WFM:
    • Select the check box to add a message or link.
    • Clear the check box to prevent a message or link from being added. This setting is the default.
    Note: If you are accessing WFM through Infor OS Portal, you must disable this option by clearing the check box. Deep linking into WFM through Infor OS Portal is not supported.
    Force reply to
    Specify the email address to which messages are to be sent automatically

    If you specify a value in the Force reply to text box, the From address of the email will always be the Force reply to value that you specified.

    If you do not specify a value in the Force reply to text box, the following will happen in WFM:

    • If the WORKBRAIN.WBU_EMAIL field in WFM contains a value, the From address of your email will use this value.
    • f the WORKBRAIN.WBU_EMAIL field in WFM is empty/null, and the user name in WFM (WORKBRAIN.WBU_NAME) is in the format of an email address, then WFM will use WORKBRAIN.WBU_NAME as the From address when sending email. For example, if WORKBRAIN.WBU_EMAIL = null/empty, WORKBRAIN.WBU_NAME =, then the email will be sent from
    • If the WORKBRAIN.WBU_EMAIL field in WFM is empty/null, the user name in WFM (WORKBRAIN.WBU_NAME) is NOT in the format of an email address and the domain is, then the email is sent from For example, if WORKBRAIN.WBU_EMAIL = null/empty, WORKBRAIN.WBU_NAME = dave and domain =, the email will be sent from
    Note: If you experience failures sending messages using this option, it may be due to the security settings on your mail server which require a trusted and verified email address and/or domain. You also have the option of specifying a "NO REPLY" address that is verified and trusted by the mail server. However, if you use this approach you will have to instruct users to reply to a specific email address such as You must discuss the process for creating a trusted email address and domain with your mail server provider.
    Process content
    Determines whether hyperlink content is shown in Workmail messages:
    • If the check box is cleared (default setting), the e-mail message will contain the hyperlink and the message contents.
    • Select the check box to not display the hyperlink and the message contents.
    Mail filter class
    Specify the mail filter to be used on forwarded Workmail messages, if needed. Messages can be filtered for different Workforce Management domains. This field is displayed only when the Infor WFM configuration mode is turned on.

    For custom implementations of Workforce Management, there is a MailFilter interface which contains the method filterMessage(Message message). This method allows you to manipulate and work with the message in many different ways. By default, there is no filtering done on messages and the mailFilter object is NULL.

    Support e-mail address user name
    Determines whether an email address is checked when specified by the email sender:
    • Select the check box to check the email address. The email address formatting is validated or checked as part of allowing the email address 'user'.
    • Clear the check box to accept the email address with no checking or validation of the email address 'user'. This setting is the default.
    Note: If you experience failures sending messages with this option, it may be due to the security settings on your mail server, which require a trusted and verified email address and/or domain. In this scenario, you must discuss the process for creating a trusted email address and domain with your mail server provider.

    You also have the option of using the FORWARDER_LOOKBACK_TIME and LAST_FORWARDED_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP registries that relate to the Mail Forwarder. Using these registry settings, WFM will start looking for unprocessed messages from a specific point in time. The timestamp for the specific point in time is decided by the LAST_FORWARDED_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP and the FORWARDER_LOOKBACK_TIME registry. For example, if LAST_FORWARDED_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP is set to 9:00 AM today and FORWARDER_LOOKBACK_TIME is set to 60, then the Mail Forwarder will start looking for messages from 8:00 AM.

    Note: It is recommended that you consult with Infor Consulting Services before making changes to these registries. Incorrectly modifying the LAST_FORWARDED_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP can change the order in which messages should be sent.
  4. Click Submit to connect the Mail Forwarder to the external mail server.