Step 2: Creating an Outbound Migration

After configuring your data migration environment, you can proceed to select the functional objects or tables that will be part of your migration. This is done by creating an outbound migration in your source environment/instance of WFM using the data migration wizard which consists of these four basic steps:

  • Basic Information
  • Select Objects
  • Select Records
  • Review
Note: WB_LOCALZD_TBLVAL is migrated as a component of other functional objects. This approach was implemented to avoid the potential disruption of localizations in the target environment. These disruptions can occur when WB_LOCALZD_TBLVAL is migrated separately.

To create an outbound migration in the data migration wizard:

  1. In your source environment/instance of WFM, select Maintenance > System Administration > Data Migration > Migration Export > Create Outbound Migration.
  2. On the Basic Information screen of the wizard, specify this information:
    Specify the name of the outbound migration. This field is required.
    Specify a description.
    Delete Migration
    Select the Delete Migration check box to create a Delete Migration. For detailed information, see Delete Migration.
    Object Type
    Select Functional Objects or Tables. You must choose one or the other for your migration, you cannot migrate functional objects and tables at the same time.
    Note: Functional objects usually consist of several tables with related records. It represents a hierarchical grouping of tables that are bundled according to application functionality, such MVS or Team Security.
  3. Click Next to display the Select Objects screen of the wizard.

    From this screen, you have these options:

    • The '+' icon allows you add objects to your migration.
    • The garbage can icon allows you to remove objects from your migration.
  4. Click the '+' icon to add an object to the migration by opening the Select Functional Objects/Tables dialog.

    From this dialog, you can:

    • Multi-select or select all objects for the current page. You cannot multi-select for all pages in the dialog.
    • Search for object types using the Name column.
    • Sort the object types using the column headings.
  5. After selecting the functional objects or tables you want to include in your data migration, you have these options:
    • +Add: Add the object to your migration and continue selecting other objects for your data migration.
    • +Add and Close: Stop adding additional objects to your data migration.
    • xClose: Stop adding objects to your data migration.

    The selected functional objects or tables will appear as tabs on the screen that you can select.

  6. After you have selected the functional objects or tables that are part of your data migration, click Next to proceed to the Select Records screen of the wizard.
    If you are migrating a functional object that is composed of several components, you can switch between the components using the Components drop-down.
  7. Click the '+' icon to start selecting the records that you want to migrate.

    On this dialog, you can:

    • Multi-select or select all objects for the current page. You cannot multi-select for all pages in the dialog.
    • Click the arrow icon to view the record details such as the Name and Value of the record. You can also look up column names to use in a WHERE condition.
    • Use the advanced search to search for records. You can specify a SQL Where condition such as ACTV_NAME LIKE 'G%' that will allow you to look up columns in the table with the WHERE condition.
  8. After selecting the records that you want to include in the migration, you have these options:
    • +Add: Add the record to your migration and continue selecting other records for your data migration.
    • +Add and Close: Stop adding additional records to your data migration.
    • xClose: Stop adding records to your data migration.

    The selected records will appear as tabs on the screen that you can select.

  9. After selecting the records for all of the functional objects or tables that are part of your data migration, click Next to proceed to the Review screen of the wizard. This screen is a summary of your data migration.

    The Review screen of the wizard lists the functional objects or tables that you have selected for the data migration. On this screen, you can:

    • Review the name and description of your outbound migration.
    • Use the Components drop-down for functional objects that contain more than one component.
    • Click the arrow icon to view record details.
    • Click Download to download an XML file to check the contents of the migration to verify the data being migrated is correct.
      Note: By default, the download option is hidden. Administrators must enable this option for specific security groups that are allowed to download the data.

      To enable this option, edit the Maintenance Form for Create Outbound Migration. Specify the appropriate permission for the DMW_DOWNLOAD element for the specific security group.

  10. Once you are satisfied with the contents of your data migration, click Confirm.
  11. The data migration now appears in the Maintenance > System Administration > Data Migration > Migration Export > Outbound Migration screen.

    This screen contains this information:

    Name of the outbound migration.
    Description of the outbound migration.
    Create User
    User that created the outbound migration.
    Actual User
    Name of the actual user who created the outbound migration. The actual user would be different from the user in the case of a proxy.
    Create Time
    Time at which the outbound migration was created.
    Export Status
    Export status of the outbound migration. Y if the migration has been exported; N if it has never been exported.

    Once the migration is created it cannot be edited. If you want to change the migration in any way, you will need to create a new one.

    Note: You also have the option of creating a new outbound migration on this screen by clicking the Create new migration button.
  12. If you are ready to export the outbound migration to your target environment of WFM, click Export to open the Export Migration dialog.

    Specify this information:

    Destination Environment
    Select the target environment or environments of WFM that you configured in Step 1: Configuring the migration environment.
    Note: You can select more than one environment for your export. Use this option to make your export file available to import on multiple environments.
    Specify a short description of the export action.
  13. Click Export again to finalize the migration export.
The migration file will be encrypted and sent via SFTP to the destination/target environment as a data migration file (*.enc format). A Job Scheduler task named Send Migration Task will be automatically triggered as part of the export. The user that triggered the migration will also receive a Workmail that the migration export is finished along with some details of the migration.