Schedule vs. Actual dashboard

Dashlet name Description Chart type
Schedule Hours Total scheduled hours for the date range KPI
Schedule Hours by date range Total scheduled hours categorized by date Spline
Actual Hours Total actual hours for the date range KPI
Actual Hours by date range Total actual hours categorized by date Spline
Hours Variance The difference between schedule hours and actual hours KPI
Hours Variance by date range Hours variance categorized by date Spline
Schedule Cost Total scheduled cost for the date range KPI
Schedule Cost by date range Total scheduled cost categorized by date Spline
actual cost Total actual cost for the date range KPI
actual cost by date range Total actual cost categorized by date Spline
Cost Variance The difference between schedule cost and actual cost KPI
Cost Variance by date range Cost variance categorized by date Spline
Schedule vs Actual Variance

Variance between the scheduled and actual hours, cost, and hours %.

Value can be negative, colored red. Measures and Category can be dynamically selected in the dashboard.
