Scheduled Hours |
Total scheduled hours for the selected date range |
Scheduled Hours by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Total scheduled hours categorized by pay period |
Line |
Absence Hours |
Work detail hours where time code has been flagged as LTA |
Total Absence Hours by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Total absence hours categorized by pay period |
Line |
Uncontrolled Absence Percent |
Work detail hours where the time code parameter has been set to (Uncontrolled
Absence / Absence Hours) * 100 |
Uncontrolled Absence Percent by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Uncontrolled absence percent categorized by pay period |
Line |
Controlled Absence Percent |
Work detail hours where the time code parameter has been set to (Controlled
Absence / Absence Hours) * 100 |
Controlled Absence Percent by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Controlled absence percent categorized by pay period |
Line |
Actual Hours |
Total work detail hours for the selected date range |
Actual Hours by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Total actual hours categorized by pay period |
Line |
Actual Worked Hours |
Number of hours worked from the work detail hour type = detail and not break or
absence |
Actual Worked Hours by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Total actual worked hours categorized by pay period |
Line |
Overtime Percent (Hours) |
(Work detail actual hours where hour type is flagged as Is Overtime / Actual
Hours) * 100 |
Overtime Hours Percent by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Overtime hours percent is categorized by pay period |
Line |
Overtime Wages |
Actual costs where the time code is flagged as is overtime. |
Actual Overtime Wage Costs by Pay Period Scant Chart |
Actual overtime wages categorized by pay period |
Line |
Cost of Misaligned punches |
Work detail costs where time code parameter is flagged when time code is
applied |
Misaligned punches by pay period Scant Chart |
Misaligned punches categorized by pay period |
Line |
Overtime Percent |
Actual costs where the time code is flagged as is overtime, dynamically
categorized by selected team, job, or employee preferred job. |
Bar |
Uncontrolled Absence Percent |
Work detail hours where the time code parameter has been set to (Uncontrolled
Absence / Absence Hours) * 100, dynamically categorized by selected team, job, or
employee preferred job. |
Bar |
Controlled Absence Percent |
Work detail hours where the time code parameter has been set to (Controlled
Absence / Absence Hours) * 100, dynamically categorized by selected team, job, or
employee preferred job. |
Bar |
Misaligned punches Cost |
Actual costs where the time code is flagged as Is Overtime, dynamically
categorized by selected team, job, or employee preferred job. |
Bar |