Timesheet is the main component in the Time & Attendance module. Timesheet collection enables analysis of timesheet data such as work hours, clock punches, and overrides.
These are the dashboards for Timesheet:
- Absence
- Absenteeism Insights
- Actual Hours
- Authorizations
- Early Late Clocks
- Overtime Hours
- Overtime Hours Details
- Overtime Hours Overview
- Pay Period Hours
- Pay Period Hours Detail
- Pay Period Exceeding Threshold Detail
- Pay Period Less Than Threshold Detail
Fact table | Description | Source table |
Work Fact | Tracks the details of all the work such as the number of minutes worked, time code, hour type, which employee worked, and calc group | Work Detail |
Work Adjust Fact | Tracks the retroactive submissions of the timesheet such as changes to the pay rate and hours | Work Detail Adjust |
Override Fact | Tracks the overrides related to the timesheet | Override |