Poor >=25% |
Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate greater than or equal to
25%. |
Moderate>=5% and <25% |
Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate greater than or equal to 5
and less than 25%. |
Excellent < 5% |
Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate less than 5%. |
Absence Insights Bar |
Count of Poor, Moderate and Excellent employees by category (Team, Job, Employee
Preferred Job, Employee Home Team, calculation group, Employment type, Employee work
Type, Department and Employee). |
Bar |
Absenteeism Insights Table |
Provides the overall uncontrolled absence rate for each employee. |
Table |
Absenteeism Insights by Employee Detail |
Provides the detail of each Employee’s Uncontrolled Absence Rate as calculated
for each category. |
Table |