Running initial load workflow

Use this procedure to perform an initial load or when running the workflow for the first time.

  1. Select Birst in Infor OS Portal.
  2. Select ADMIN > Orchestration.
  3. Clone WFM - Reset Extract Variables workflow.
    1. From the workflows, select WFM - Reset Extract Variables, click the arrow-down button, and select Clone Workflow.
    2. Rename the cloned workflow to WFM - Reset Extract Variables and set the All ExtractDate variables to the same date the replication sets were reset.
  4. Run the workflows.
    1. From the left panel of your workflows, select a workflow.
    2. Click the Actions arrow-down button and select Run Workflow.
    3. Workflows are run in this order:
      1. WFM - Reset Extract Variables
      2. WFM - Extract and Process