Excluding jobs from the Job Qualification Update Task

You must set the Job Exc Frm Qlfy field for each job that must be excluded from consideration when the Job Qualification Update Task runs.

You do not have to set this flag for all jobs that you want the Job Qualification Update Task to consider. The default setting is blank, which acts as a No value.

To exclude a job from the Job Qualification Update Task:

  1. Select Maintenance > Labor Metrics > Job.
  2. Locate the job in the list that you want to exclude and click Edit.
  3. Set the Job Exc Frm Qlfy field to Y.
    The Job Qualification Update Task does not consider jobs with a Job Exc Frm Qlfy value of Y and will not assign the job to qualified employees.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat the previous steps until you exclude all the appropriate jobs.