Business example 8: Shift Premium Zone Rule

This example covers these business needs:

  • Employees earn premium pay for every hour of eligible work between 23:00 and 07:00 (night premium).
  • Night premiums are paid as a percentage (50%) of the employee's worked rate multiplied by the premium's hour type multiplier.
  • The employer's payroll system does not permit separate records for the premium time. Therefore, instead of creating a premium record for the shift premium, the rate of the eligible work details is updated directly.


Condition: Always True

Rule parameters:

Parameter Value
Shift Premium Zone GRAVEYARD

Shift Premium Zone parameters:

Parameter Value
Zone Description Overnight Bonus
*Zone Start Time 23:00
*Zone End Time 07:00
Time Code <blank>
Hour Type <blank>
*Labor Metrics Method Update Details Directly option selected
*Rate 0.50
Rate is a Percentage? Selected
*Rate to Use Worked Rate
Apply Hour Type Multiplier to the Rate Selected
Eligible Time Codes WRK
Eligible Hour Types REG, OT1
*Type of Time Eligible for Premium Both option selected
*Base Shift Eligibility on Actual Shift option selected
*Type of Eligible Detail Work option selected


In this example, the employee worked 8 hours in the shift premium zone from 23:00 to 07:00 at a rate of $15.00 an hour.

The employee had this work detail before the rule was applied:

Start Time End Time Hours Rate Time Code Hour Type
23:00 07:00 8 15.00 WRK OT1

The premium rate is calculated as 50% of the employee's worked rate ($7.50) multiplied by the hour type multiplier (1.5), or $11.25. This amount is added to the employee's worked rate ($15.00) for an updated rate of $26.25.

The employee has this work detail after the rule is applied:

Start Time End Time Hours Rate Time Code Hour Type
23:00 07:00 8 26.25 WRK OT1