Creating a self-scheduling group

  1. Select Scheduling > Self-Scheduling > Group.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Group Name
    Specify a name for the self-scheduling group. For example, Trauma Unit - Jan 2005.
    Group Description
    Optionally, specify a description of the self-scheduling group. For example, Trauma Unit January 2005 - initial self-scheduling.
  4. Click Save.
    The Group Employee and Group Team sections are displayed.
  5. To assign an individual employee to the self-scheduling group:
    1. Expand the Group Employee section.
    2. Specify this information:
      Select an employee using the lookup.
      Eff Start Date
      Select the appropriate start date for the employee's inclusion in the group from the calendar.
      Eff End Date
      Select the appropriate end date for the employee's inclusion in the group from the calendar.
    3. Click Save to save the employee assignment.
  6. To assign a team to the group:
    1. Expand the Group Team section.
    2. Select a team name using the Team lookup.
    3. Click Save to save the team assignment.
  7. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to add as many employees or teams as required.
  8. After you have assigned all employees and teams to the self-scheduling group, click the Return to form listing link under any of the sections.