Running the Exception Report

The Exception Report shows employees who have incurred exception time codes in the specified time period. Exception time codes are defined by system administrators.

The employee name, team name, work date, and time code are displayed on the report. A link to the employee’s timesheet for that day is also displayed. From the timesheet, you can view additional work details and authorize records.

  1. Select My Reports > Exception Report > New Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the employees to include in the report.
    Select the teams to include in the report.
    Include Sub Teams
    Select the check box to include any sub teams.
    Pay Group
    Select the pay groups to include in the report.
    Time Code
    Select the exception time codes to include in the report.
    Date Selection
    Optionally, select a time period for the report.
    Start Date
    Select the start date for the time period you want to include in the report.
    End Date
    Select the end date for the time period you want to include in the report.
    Send Notification
    Select the check box to send email notifications to employee supervisors.
    Only Authorized
    Select the check box to limit the report to only display exception times codes in unauthorized records.
    Order By
    Select the category by which you want the results sorted.
  3. Select the Save check box.
  4. Optionally, select the Personal Report check box to make the saved criteria available only to yourself.
  5. Specify the name and description of the saved criteria, and then click Go.