
Data Grid display control in Form Studio

A new Data Grid display control for forms has been added to Form Studio in the main application. This control is available in core forms and displayed in the main application and Mobility.

With the Data Grid control, you can:

  • Display a header and a list of rows based on a single, underlying linked data source.
  • Specify a heading row of top or left.
  • Specify values in a pipe delimited list for each coloumn in the heading row.

For more information on this new control, see Infor Workforce Management Application Configuration Guide.

Generic table import for the HOURS_OF_OPERATION table

A new interface has been added to import data into the HOURS_OF_OPERATION table. You can use the default mapping definition that is provided or edit the mapping definition to satisfy your specific business requirements.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Generic table import for the HRSOP_DAY table

A new interface type has been added to import data into the HRSOP_DAY table. You can use the default mapping definition that is provided or edit the mapping definition to satisfy your specific business requirements.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for work summaries

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain (GET) paginated work summaries for a single employee for a given date range. The API allows you to get work summaries of an employee by employee name and given date range. The API only returns work summaries with an ID equal to or greater than the requested start ID. The number of work summaries returned is equal to or less than the specified limit.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for elapsed time overrides

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain (GET) a paginated elapsed time override for a single employee for a given override date range.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for premium overrides

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain (GET) a paginated work premium override for a single employee for a given override date range.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for work detail overrides

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability obtain (GET) a paginated work detail override for a single employee for a given override date range.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for employee entitlements

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain (GET) employee entitlements.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for attestation in clocks

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to update attestation for clocks. This API submits a state change to a time approval that belongs to the employee associated with the current authenticated user. This API accepts a change to a time approval processing state. The accepted states are Approved, Rejected, Resolved and Shown.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for work summary overrides

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain (GET) paginated work summary overrides for a single employee for a given override date range.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API for employee balances

Updates to public APIs for employee balances:

  • Non-context public service method to get balance value by employee and date.
  • Non-context public service method to add balance value by employee and date.

For more information on custom scripting, see Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for clocks associated with a work summary ID

Public API and extension scripting updates to support the ability to obtain clocks associated with a work summary ID. This includes the original clocks and clocks introduced by the work summary override.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

Public API and extension scripting updates for work details for a single employee

Public API and extension scripting updates to obtain paginated work details for a single employee for a given work summary ID. Only work details with an ID equal to or greater than the requested start ID are returned. The number of work details returned will be equal to or less than the specified limit.

For more information on configuring extension scripts and using the public API, see this documentation:

  • Infor Workforce Management Custom Scripting Developer Guide.
  • Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.