
Updated swipe submission API for clocking data sent to WFM

The WFM public API has been updated to provide you with greater flexibility around the clocking data being sent to WFM with the public API. You can now use the API to send swipe submission times in UTC format. The updated API works as follows:

  • If a timezone is not available, WFM will use the employee timezone to process the employee punch/swipe time.
  • If the timezone is provided in the API, the provided timezone is used to process the employee punch/swipe time.

The documentation for this change is provided in version 2 of the documentation for the WFM public API. For more information on how to view specific versions of the Swagger documentation for the public API, see Infor Workforce Management API Configuration Guide.

HTML Clock: Enhancement of the labor metric search results

Labor metric search in the HTML Clock has been improved as follows for search criteria:

  • Exact matches with the name value will appear at the top of the search results list.
  • Partial matches with the name value will appear second on the search results list.
  • A match in the description will appear third on the search results list.
  • Multiple partial matches will be sorted alphabetically unless it begins with a partial match.

With no search criteria entered the existing list will be sorted by name.

For more information on using the HTML Clock, see Infor Workforce Management HTML Clock User Guide.