Multiview Scheduler (MVS)

Add comments to a shift or shift block in Relief Queue

Users can now add comments to a shift or shift block using a Shift Comments button. Users can add comments to individual shifts, multiple shifts, and shift blocks. After a user adds a shift comment on a shift, a comment indicator is displayed on a shift.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management MVS User Guide.

Two new parameters added to the Batch Auto Scheduling Task in Auto-Assignment

Solution Time Out and Solution Optimality Tolerance parameters have been added to the Batch Auto Scheduling Task.

  • Solution Time Out (in seconds). This parameter controls the time to find an optimal solution. The value here overrides the time out set in the registry AS_TIMEOU_SECONDS.
  • Solution Optimality Tolerance (in percentage). This parameter controls the quality of the schedule. The percentage value specified here is the margin of error from the optimal solution. The lower the value, the better the quality.
  • Batch Process Size. This parameter can be set to avoid the potential locking of employees with the schedule generation and recalculation task.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide.

New Batch Process Size parameter added to the Batch Auto Scheduling Task in Auto-Assignment

Batch Process Size parameter has been added to the Batch Auto Scheduling Task. This parameter can be set to avoid the potential locking of employees with the schedule generation and recalculation task.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide.

Update to batch Auto-Assignment Schedule Task log

To reduce log content, only schedules that fail are displayed in the task log.

For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide.