Creating an SRT

SRTs are effective over a given date range. You can define multiple templates with different effective dates to account for staffing level variations. The variations are due to seasonal changes or other fluctuations in demand.

  1. Display the available SRTs.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) icon under the Schedule Templates heading, to add a new SRT.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name of the template
    A text description of the template.
    The unit or team to which the template belongs.
    The subteam to which the template belongs.
    Length (Days)
    The number of days that the template covers.
    Workload Unit
    Specify Headcount or Hours to determine the units that the template uses to quantify workload requirements.
    Flag indicating that the template is in use.
    Effective Dates
    The date range over which the template can be used.
  4. Click Save. Your new SRT is displayed on the Staffing Requirements Template tab. The unit's default workload requirements are automatically displayed in the bottom part of the tab.
  5. Click the delete icon under the day part heading, for the jobs that you do not need. For example, under an early morning day part, delete the staff that do not need to be working in the early morning, such as a clerk or intern.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the Templates tab to view your new Staff Requirements template in the Schedule Templates list.