Employee termination cleanup

You can configure MVS to automatically unassign terminated employees from their shifts starting on the termination date. Schedule cleanup for terminated employees is enabled by setting the ENABLE_EMPLOYEE_TERMINATION_TRIGGER registry parameter to TRUE.

When employee termination cleanup is enabled, a row is added to the Schedule Cleanup maintenance form when an employee is terminated. This includes when an employee is terminated through an employee override or through an HR import. The Schedule Cleanup job scheduler task, on its next run, processes each row and unassigns the terminated employee from their shifts starting on the termination date. The task unassigns the employee from any rows that they are assigned to in a Master Rotation or One-time Schedule, and re-processes those rows. When the task is finished, a Workmail notification is sent to users based on the task configuration.

Note: Employee termination cleanup is not performed for employees that were terminated before the feature is enabled. Employee termination cleanup only unassigns shifts that were created in MVS.

Shift links are deleted between the employee's assigned shifts and other shifts included in book off, shift swap, and float transactions. The links are recreated between the unassigned shifts and the other shifts in the transactions. Any pending employee requests are rejected starting on the termination date. This includes time off requests, shift swap requests, and Shift Billboard requests.